Our Mission, Our Values

Mission Statement

Ma nga aahuatanga me nga whakaritenga o te ao Maori, ka ora te iwi

Based on traditional values and correct procedures, we will have wellness. We aim to provide a culturally appropriate and accessible service for Maori that encompasses the four cornerstones of health and well-being:

te taha wairua (spirit), te taha hinengaro (mind), te taha tinana (body), and te taha whanau (family).


He aha te taonga nui o te Ao
Maku e ki atu kia koe,
He tangata, He tangata, He tangata.

Mai nga kaumatua ki nga mokopuna
Mai nga mokopuna ki nga kaumatua
Tihei, Mauri ora!

What is the worlds’ greatest treasure
My reply to you
It is people, It is people, It is people

From our elders to our grandchildren
From our grandchildren to our elders

Core Values

Ma Te Reo Maori – Ka Pumau ai to tatau Maoritanga (language preserves our Maoridom)

Manaakitanga – Caring, sharing and taking responsibility for your impact on others.

Wairuatanga – A life force within us that determines our own behaviour.

Whakapapa – Acknowledgement and respect of a larger sense of belong; includes maunga, awa, waka, iwi, hapu, marae, whare, tipuna and ingoa

Whanaungatanga - Building relationships and recognising the role of whanau relationships in the well-being of the individual.

Rangatiratanga – Acknowledgement of oneself and other by acting with responsibility and integrity.

Kotahitanga - A sense of unity and recognition that everyone has a role that contributes to the whole.

Kaitiakitanga - Responsibility as worthy guardians of Maori health and wellbeing

Te Tiriti O Waitangi – Reflecting the values of Partnership, Participation and Protection between Maori and the Crown.